I woke up the other morning wondering why in the world my arms were hurting so much. Then I realized that in addition to beginning the Couch 2 5 K program with my sister, I was also completing a 15 step farm workout. Snow and ice has made everything more of a challenge!
I’ll walk you through the workout. It’s guaranteed to find arm muscles you had forgotten about, increase your flexibility and provide an abundance of beautiful milk for the family.
Step 1:
Get up early. It’ll still be dark outside. Getting going is the hardest part of any workout plan…Get bundled up in extra layers. Baby, it’s cold out there!
Step 2:
Make your way cautiously to the barn. Avoid stepping on the cat’s tail. Don’t trip over the sled that the kids left out. Oops–remember that it’s a solid sheet of ice under that beautiful new snow. Step lightly. When you start to slip, use windmill arms to keep upright.
Step 3:
Haul 10 gallons of water to the cows from the hydrant in the yard. I’d recommend not using windmill arms when falling in this instance. Unless you want to get soaked. Ask me how I know! 🙂
Step 4:
Pick up 2X4 and beat through ice that has managed to form on top of calf water holder. A thick layer of ice needs lots of beating. Keep going until you see water. This is what made my arms sore…I found some new muscles!
Step 5:
Open gate and get first cow into milk parlor. Milk by hand. A real forearm workout!
Step 6:
Put first cow away and use lead rope to convince the other cow that she really wants to go into the milk parlor and get milked. Wrestle with her a little bit. Be thankful there are no horns!
Step 7:
Milk second cow who has reluctantly joined you in the milk parlor. After wrapping the rope around your leg and almost taking you out….
Step 8:
Make sure all gates are shut and cows are put back.
Step 9:
Haul hay to the cows and calves. Feed calves bottles. Drop a bottle in the pen and climb in. Avoid getting head butted by the cow who thinks you still have milk for it. Work on agility now let’s go, let’s go! Climbing back out is the hardest part.
Step 10:
Clean milk parlor. Hoses are frozen! Fill the 5 gallon buckets again and dump water. Scrub with a barn broom.
Step 11:
Maneuver way back to house through ice and snow and sleds and cats with pail full of milk. Don’t spill!
Step 12:
Strain milk and get it in fridge.
Step 13:
Go back out and let chickens out. You have to cut a new path through the fresh snow to get there. High knees anyone?
Step 14:
Grab an armfull of firewood and go inside. Debundle. Drink some water or some fresh milk. Warm up.
Step 15:
Repeat in 12 hours. Except for the milking thing. And letting the chickens out. This time you have to chase them back in. And gather eggs. That’s a fun part! Oh–don’t forget to haul hay to the sheep and check that everyone has enough straw for bedding.
Care to join me in the morning?
Though on a serious note…I’m learning the importance of moving throughout the day. This type of natural exercise is on that is more likely to be stuck with. I can easily get up one morning and say that I don’t feel like running. I really can’t get up and declare that I don’t feel like milking. This daily movement has been great in helping me take off some of my baby weight! I’m looking forward to shedding more of it.
I’d encourage you to look for ways to increase your movements naturally. Perhaps you can scrub a floor, shovel some snow, or just run around with the kids more. All movement helps. Even if it makes you sore the next day!
Jamie Oliver says
Our winters are pretty mild, but they still double the chore work–we only feed grain through the winter.Particularly the water-by-5-gallon-bucket method! 🙂 No need for treadmill time on those days!
Jamie Oliver says
Our winters are pretty mild, but they still double the chore work–we only feed grain through the winter.Particularly the water-by-5-gallon-bucket method! 🙂 No need for treadmill time on those days!