Brynna is getting so big! And snugly. And I’ve really been enjoying the last week and a half of not doing much!
Bryan was able to take off several days, and will be heading back to work Monday. It’s the longest he’s ever been able to take after a baby, and this recovery has been my easiest!
Not having to fight Owen to get him dressed or changed or lifted into his chair to eat several times a day has been huge. Having Bryan home to do the farm chores the kIds can’t do is amazing. I haven’t had to do much of anything since Brynna was born, and I’m so thankful for the time spent just holding her and nursing. And for all the books I got to read the middle kids. We all enjoyed a super lazy week.
Now it’s time to ease back into a more normal life. We will resume a little routine next week and I’ll be home with all the kids. I feel ready.
We will take it slow and each day one at a time. I don’t have huge expectations for next week, but plan to still enjoy lots of snuggles and down time. We will also begin to tackle the whining that I’ve let go for too long.
And of course I’ll spend some time just enjoying our new little one.
Oh, before I forget, I hear there has been some confusion in the family about how to pronounce the new name. It’s Brynn-a. (And Brynn rhymes with grin!)
Have a good rest of your weekend!
So glad you are easing into life with the new little one. Love the photos–and love you!
We love you too Aunt Gerri!