It’s been a while since we were in the ER. Tonight was the night to head back. Owen has something stuck in his throat. A foreign body.
We headed into the small town hospital about nine. He was just not himself, and his breathing kept sounding funny. So after listening and observing for a while, we decided it was best to get him checked out.
I’m glad we did! X-Rays showed what looked like an upside down corndog lodged in his esophagus. Yikes!
The hospital we were in didn’t have the capacity to handle this extraction, so an ambulance was ordered to transport to the Children’s hospital in Spokane.
An hour and a half later, we were still waiting for the ambulance. There are no paramedics qualified to maintain an airway should it be necessary in our county. A Deer Park ambulance was dispatched but got diverted to a 911 call.
After finding out its be at least another hour before they would get there, Bryan asked about the risks of transporting him ourselves. After they were explained, we felt comfortable and signed the papers to decline transportation.
The drive in was uneventful. Praise the Lord! They were expecting us here, and the ENT was called. There was another patient who also needed some sort of ENT surgery, and he was triaged higher priority. While waiting, they took us up to a nice room in Oncology.
There was plenty of room for Bryan, Brynna and I to sit with Owen.
I’m sitting here now nursing Brynna and waiting for Owen to get called in for surgery. Since Owen is sleeping, I have Chopped on the TV.
I am suoer thankful for so many reasons. Even in a crisis, focusing on the good things helps. My parents are watching the other five kids. Four of them were already spending the night before this happened (spring break).
Our Pastor and his wife were able to come over to the local hospital and visit. They were going to watch Brynna while Bryan drove in to get her and then meet Owen and I in Spokane after the ambulance ride. That didn’t work out, but it was a blessing to have them there.
Bryan already has Wednesday off. Yeah! No having to remember to call into work early after a crazy night.
Owen is able to sleep. I know he’s in pain, but his being asleep is helping. If he moves around a lot, there is increased chance of aspiration.

Well, we were just called down for surgery, so I’m going to sign off. I’ll let you know what they find!