It’s our barley hay. The first crop that Bryan and I took control of here on the farm, so it’s kind of special to us!
I love how you can see the rows as they grow.
I know it’s short now and hard to believe, but in just a few short months we will be cutting this up and baling it and it will nourish our cows (and rabbits) all winter.
Bryan increased the size of the planting area by a bit, so we are hoping to decrease the amount of hay we have to buy for winter. We plan on a ton a head for winter, so we will need at least seven ton for the critters we plan on having next winter.
Since it’s so dry this year, I’d like more. I can easily see us needing to feed hay much earlier if the pasture dries out.
No matter how much we need, this crop–our first crop–will provide a good chunk of our hay!
Praise the Lord!