The pasture is turning brown early this year. Almost a full month before normal, the green grasses now look like this:
The pasture still has length–just not color!
There is one section of grass left for the cows. This remaining section is close to the creek and enjoys additional moisture. Once that is eaten or dried, it’ll be hay time.
In order to get the most grass into the cows, I’ve started tethering two of them out for a couple of hours each day.
Maggie and Annie lead well and don’t tangle themselves (or each other!) up in the tether.
The grass they eat doesn’t need mowed, which saves me time and effort!
Because Epi doesn’t tether well, and because we don’t want to support three milk cows over the winter, (and have enough milk), we have decided to put her up for sale. That will also save hay over the winter.
It’s kind of sad to sell my first cow. She taught me a lot about milking! But, for long term efficiency, tethering is an ability I want in my herd. And I’m hoping she finds a great home!
Are your pastures brown already? Do you have any tips for decreasing the days you have to feed hay?