With ten people living in a house, laundry adds up quickly! If we don’t work purposefully to stay on top of laundry, we’re soon overrun with piles.
Here are my five best tips for making laundry work, and stay manageable for a multi-generational house,
1. Communicate!
Dad keeps his laundry separate, in his room. He typically does wash on Sundays, when I’m not as likely to be using the machines.
If he needs it before then, he asks, and I get them emptied for him.
Or he empties them for me–Dad is great at helping with laundry! (Bonus for me, as it’s my LEAST favorite chore!)
2. Take Care of the Machines
Empty the lint trap.
Check the trap on your washer. Ours eats socks. And paper bits that don’t make it out of pockets.
Taking care of your machines, keeping them wiped down, and performing routine maintenance will increase their life span.
When the washer breaks, and we’re waiting on a part, it’s not much fun!
3. Use the Delay Button
Seriously. This tip changed my laundry routine.
See if your washer has one!
4. Have a place to store soap
Dad uses a different laundry soap then we do–he prefers a scent, while we opt for unscented laundry soap. Having a spot near the washer for both soaps, and the fabric softener Dad uses keeps him from having to trek through the house with laundry and supplies.
5. Help When Possible
As I mentioned above, Dad is great at helping with laundry. He started helping with this right after I had Brynna, and it’s been such a blessing!
He asked at first how I’d like it done, and now has my routine pretty well figured out. When he takes a load out, he puts it in a basket, and sets it on the table, so I can sort it with the kids and get it put away like normal.
Likewise, if I see that his load in the washer is finished, I typically throw it in the dryer for him. I’ve asked how he prefers to dry things, and know settings for almost everything. (Otherwise I ask–don’t want to shrink anything!)
Helping each other out–it makes the world (and the laundry pile) better!
What laundry tips can you add?