Let’s keep this one short, simple, and to the point, shall we?
One of the benefits of Dad moving in is that he subscribed to the newspaper. It’s a treat for us, as we aren’t used to it.
Since we get up earlier, Jayme goes out and fetches the paper each morning. She reads the comics, looks over the rest of it for anything interesting (lately she’s been watching for a review of Pan and then carefully folds it again and lays it out for Grandpa.
After he reads it, he puts it back out in the living room, and we the rest of us either read it, or put it in the pile for starting a fire with later.
Take away: Make sure the paper isn’t getting torn (or eaten) before the person who actually purchased it gets to read it.
For me: Keep it away from Owen!
And Simon
And Brynna
Let’s talk mail.
Dad gets most of his mail in his PO Box still, though now that he’s retired and no longer driving to town daily, he’s planning on letting it expire.
When we get the mail we:
-Separate Dad’s out
-Give it to him right away
When we don’t do this, bad things happen.
Like that time we forgot to give him the dumpster bill (that he covers).
Oops! Double fee the next month.
So the moral of the story is:
Make sure mail gets to the appropriate person, on time.
Any other tips for dealing with mail or newspapers?