Well, I didn’t quite blog every day in October (I missed 10/31–the very last day!), but I got in some great writing practice.
Now that my series is over, I can focus on other things here at Maggies Milk. Like announcing my new freelancing career.
Yup–I decided to start writing for other people, and getting paid for it. I got my first paid gig the last week of July, and last month I earned $1520 from writing. Not too shabby. I hope to keep growing a bit.
My favorite part?
Because of my newfound income, Bryan was able to quit his job in Spokane with a long commute, and take a local job in Chewelah. Today is his first day!
He didn’t have to leave the house until 7:30 (when he’s had to be at work in Spokane) and he’ll get home at 5:30–the time his job was ending before.
We’re trading $15,000 a year of his income for 12.5 hours a week. That’s almost an entire working month each year–wow!
That means I now have a targeted amount to earn each year. The good news is that our budget balances as long as I hit $200 a month. But, that’s the bare bones budget. We’re hoping for more, and trusting that the Lord will bring just the right amount of income in each month.
So what does my new career mean for Maggie’s Milk?
Not much.
This will still be the site where I update about the farm, the family, and life. My freelance site is housed here. (If you’re interested in checking it out.)
But, since I’m adding affiliate links over there, I went ahead and registered this site as well. Never fear–I will heed the laws of the FCC and will inform you when I’m using an affiliate link (just for Amazon and a writing course I recommend so far–I don’t anticipate it ever getting too crazy!)
I’ll won’t be stuffing affiliate links everywhere or shoving them down your throat. No worries. I also hate when ads take over everything on a website, so I don’t anticipate adding ads here ever (except maybe some Amazon ones, for the items I’m actually talking about/using–just the picture with a link thing.)
If you chose to use my affiliate links, that’s great. You’ll be helping our family enjoy more family time together! If not, no worries. We can still be friends, I promise!
What have you been up to?