Disclaimer: I received a FREE copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way.
What you listen to can really have an impact. Uplifting music and scriptures can help keep your heart and mind on the things of God instead of the things of this world. Recently, I had the opportunity to review three CDs from Preborn Prodigy that focus on drawing listeners closer to Christ.
I received the following cds in the set:
And yes, the first one is geared for unborn children and pregnant women. No, this is not an announcement. 😀 It was just one of the CDs I received. But, you never know what the Lord has in store for our family, so maybe someday it will be used for its intended purpose…
What Are These Products?
I received three physical CDs. These albums are also available in digital formats for downloading. Each CD comes with a case. On the back of the front cover, you’ll find a written explanation of the CD. On the other side is the actual CD.
Each CD has numerous tracks. They are all set to soothing background music. Then, there is a comforting voice reading scriptures, explaining concepts, and offering prayers. These CDs help you and your kids to know that you were wonderfully and fearfully made. And that God loves you.
Listening to them really helps to set your mind on truth from God’s word.
Prayers and Blessings for the Unborn Child
As mentioned above, this CD is designed with the unborn child and pregnant woman in mind. You can even purchase special headphones to put on your belly and play these comforting tracks to your child while they’re in the womb.
It contains seven different tracks, and is 57 minutes long in total. The individual tracks range from three minutes to almost nineteen minutes. The track titles are:
- Health and delivery
- Protection and provision
- Spiritual growth and dedication
- Identity and destiny
- Spirit, soul and body
- Salvation
- Blessing and lullaby
Each track contains content related to the topic of the title. There are also some songs sprinkled in.
Even though we aren’t in the target audience, I still found this CD to be soothing. The speaker’s voice is soft and flows well. It isn’t grating or annoying to have playing in the background. The topics covered are speaking truth about God that are important for anyone to hear.
However, there are some instances of “name it and claim it” theology going on. Things like, “I command the umbilical cord” to be in the right place and not cause problems. While God certainly does answer prayers, it is not our place to command Him to do anything. His will be done, not ours.
Even if that means having a child with a disability like our Owen, or having a stressful birth experience. We can trust that God will work all things out for our good.
Prayers and Blessings Newborn to 99
This CD contains seven different tracks, for a total of 54 minutes and forty-five seconds. These include scriptures, prayers, and blessings meant to help people realize they were created by a loving God. It is full of the promises of God, and help answer essential life questions like “why am I here?”
Math Prodigy
This content of this cd was definitely different than the other two. However, the soothing music was similar.
The first track begins by offering an introduction to math. It looks at what math is, how it’s used in every day life, and some jobs that use math.
Then, each track dives deep into basic rules for math. It examines math vocabulary words, and explains things like addition in very concise words. There are even examples given.
By forming a foundation for these concepts at an early age, children will have a solid place on which to build when they begin working on math in the future.
How We Used These CDs
We listened to these CDs mainly as background noise. It was much more soothing and encouraging than having the television on low to provide noise. I wanted to bring one along in the car and listen to it when I was driving my younger kids somewhere, but the CD player wasn’t working correctly so that didn’t happen. I’ll have to import these to iTunes and put them on my phone in the future, as I think they’d be very encouraging to listen to in the car.
I’ll just have to be careful that they aren’t too soothing and put me to sleep. As the driver, that’d be bad!
Another Idea for Use
I could also see these being useful to play in a child’s bedroom while they were falling asleep. However, we didn’t have a CD player in a bedroom, so we didn’t do that either.
What We Thought
I thought these CDs were well done. They provide a very soothing background noise, and the subconscious brain can listen to the important truths shared. I appreciate that there are tracks about salvation, and verses shared in those that explain our need for a Savior and how we can call upon God to be saved.
However, I didn’t like the “name it and claim it” tone that some of the tracks took. I think it definitely needs to be addressed with kids that God isn’t a vending machine where we declare exactly what we want and demand to get it. There’s a definite balance to find between making demands of God and praying for something specific. The tone and heart attitude matter. These are definitely concepts that you can discuss with your older children.
Another thing I’d love to see on these is a reference for which version of the Bible is being used. It wasn’t written on any of the CDs or CD cases. I think when you’re quoting scripture, you should be consistent with the version you’re using, and you should share what version you’re using.
All in all, these CDs are soothing to listen to. They have some great content inside. And if you know someone who is expecting, or has young children, this would make a good gift.