i almost always send Bryan with a tall mug of chocolate milk (or cocoa in the winter) as he leaves the house in the morning for his hour-long commute. But, recently, I was out of cocoa powder. I was just going to skip the milk, until a small box in the cupboard caught my … [Read more...]
After having limited milk consumption since drying up the cows last November, we are once again enjoying an abundance of milk! What did we do with the first milk we kept?Made a gallon of chocolate milk and let the kids have more than one glass... Started another … [Read more...]
Preparing for the 2015 Milking Season
Now that I've recovered from having little Brynna, my thoughts have started turning to the next new arrivals for our family--the three calves that should join the farm family this month sometime. Much like I didn't know when Brynna would be born, I have no idea when the … [Read more...]
Some Ramblings: Raw Milk
In case you haven't picked up on this theme before now, I am a huge fan of raw milk. I think it's made a positive impact on our health, especially our dental health. It's super nutritious and a great way to get in vitamins and minerals that aren't added to the product … [Read more...]
Maggie’s Milk: Butter Edition
Anyone else noticed how expensive dairy products have gotten lately? In the last year, I've watched butter creep up from $7.50 for four pounds at Costco to just over $11. That's expensive! And it makes me thankful I have some cows.I don't normally make … [Read more...]