Tomorrow we'll wrap up our series on multi-generational living. Today, I wanted to reflect on the biggest take away from successfully living with both parents and children. Little things matter. They truly do. They may not seem like much, but these small actions … [Read more...]
Shopping in a Multi-Generational Household
We all need to go shopping eventually. Whether it's a movie, or a bag of salt, or a new bottle of dish soap. Stuff runs out. Especially when you have ten people using it! Since Dad still drives, and enjoys going to town more than I do, here's how we've made shopping … [Read more...]
Minding Your Own Business: Life in a Multi-Generational Household
Tonight we're tackling a tougher topic in a multi-generational house. Minding your own business. Sometimes, Dad makes decisions about how he spends his money that I don't agree with. Guess what? Even though he's living with us, it's none of my business how he … [Read more...]
Phones & a Multi-Generational House
Five kids are sick here on the farm. And their mommy. I'm really thankful for the couch, television, and extra snuggles that this day will bring! And thankful that Jayme and Owen aren't sick. Especially since Owen just had surgery. Today in our series on … [Read more...]
Firewood in the Multi-Generational Household
Firewood. When you have a wood stove as your main source of heat, firewood is essential! We've been blessed to have my step-dad and mom help quite a bit with wood--we all go out and cut, and fill the trucks. There's something soothing about being in the forest, and doing … [Read more...]