We love oatmeal! It’s been on our annual meal plan for breakfast for the past three years in a row.
But, I used to have problems with the oatmeal’s texture. It sometimes turned out perfectly and sometimes didn’t.
So I started researching to see what I could do. Then my experiments started. I’m thankful the kids were such good sports to eat all of these different creations!
I tried cooking with half milk and half water.
Flax seed, chia seed, and hemp seed got stirred in.
We used honey and brown sugar while it was cooking.
And while those things all made the oatmeal taste different, I couldn’t really distinguish much difference in the texture.
An Easy Way to Creamy Oatmeal
Then I tried stirring in eggs to the cooked oatmeal, while it was still simmering on the stove. I just cracked them right into the pot and then stirred.
The difference in texture was amazing!
I was worried that we’d end up with scrambled egg chunks inside the oatmeal. But that didn’t happen.
Instead, the eggs gelled and gave the whole pan a delightfully creamy texture. As a bonus, they also significantly improved the protein in each serving!
How I Do It
So now, I make our oatmeal each week. Here’s the basic recipe I use, though it really varies depending on what flavor profile we’re aiming for.
You’ll Need:
3 cups rolled oats
3.5 cups water
3 cups milk
Combine in a pan and cook over medium-high heat, stirring frequently. Bring to a boil and turn the heat down to medium. Let simmer for 10 minutes or so, until the oats are tender.
Then, reduce the heat to low. Crack three eggs into the warm cereal, and stir gently. Be sure to get the eggs incorporated into the stuff on the bottom of the pan.
Let the oatmeal continue to cook for another 5 minutes.
Remove from heat and serve with brown sugar.
You can also add frozen fruit at the beginning. Our favorites are peaches and strawberries!
Yummy Breakfast!
If you try this yummy oatmeal secret, I’d love to hear what you think. Do you also love the improved creaminess in the texture?
I know it sounds totally strange, but it works!