Ah–the part I dislike the most about pregnancy. The prodromal labor. For each of our last three babies, and now this pregnancy, I’ve experienced at least a week of contractions that start getting more frequent and intense each evening. And then they stop. Just as suddenly as they came on.
In fact, with Ellie and Sydney both I got sent home from the hospital at least once, not in “real” labor. By the time Simon was ready to join us, I had gotten used to the sensation, and could pinpoint the difference in intensity that signified the real, real thing.
I know they are doing something, because once I hit a four, I usually have a baby in my arms within an hour. So my body has to do some prep work before hand in order for that to work out. But, it can be a challenge to deal with every night.
This time, it seems to be more of the same. They’ve lasted almost a full week now. Contractions that give me a chance to practice breathing and mentally working through. Praise the Lord, this baby WILL eventually come out. And I’d rather have these pains for two weeks than intense almost ready to push labor contractions for hours on end. So that’s definitely something for me to be thankful for.
So for now, I’m just waiting. I’m trying to rest more during the day and snuggle more with the kids. We’re enjoying life together, and praying for the little one who will join us soon.
And for your viewing pleasure, a picture of my little mountain goat. He climbs on EVERYTHING! This is a bookcase we added to our dining room to hold winter boots.
Since I know Simon’s going to look so huge as soon as this baby is here, so I thought we’d get in some extra picture memories of our current baby!

Have a good evening! I’ll let you know when baby joins us. Until then, my posts will definitely be infrequent and quite possibly very, very random. 🙂