It was a long day, full of good, honest hard work.
Using the Stevens County mobile poultry processing trailer, we dispatched 156 birds. We started the season with 206, so we lost more than normal, with a 50 bird loss.
Ideally, we like to lose 10% or less, but the high heat was not good for these broilers–several 100 degree plus days were had in the last few weeks, and it was just too hot. Even with plenty of water and shade they were dropping quickly!
But, we processed what we had, and I’m so thankful to be done with this task for the year!
A couple of my uncles helped butcher, along with my older sister, Mindy. (Thanks Danny and Chris!) a family friend also helped (thanks Andrew!) My Aunt Becky helped Jayme keep track of all the kids, which was such a blessing, and Jeff and Ellie helped Grandpa round up the birds each time we needed more. They had fun!
After all the butchering was done, Jeff and Ellie also helped to bag the birds.
Here, they were reaching into a barrel of birds in icy water to give it to an adult to bag. Great helpers!
My mom, sister and I bagged. From the bagging station, they were hauled out to the freezers.
So nice to have lots of chicken in the freezer again!
And guess what?
I saved the feet again, and have a batch of chicken foot broth simmering away in the crockpot. I have the other feet packaged in bags, ready to grab out and throw in my broth throughout the year. Mega nutrient rush!!
Though I must admit they look kind of creepy!
The chicken butchering today got me prepped for my first rabbit butchering that will take place in just a couple weeks. Though three rabbits should go much faster than the chickens.
One of the harder jobs of farm life, but oh so essential!
So tell me…have you eaten chicken feet?