A couple of years ago, I stumbled upon an amazing homeschooling resource. I eagerly started a subscription to SchoolhouseTeachers.com (aff. link) and Jayme really dove into the amazing material on the site. There’s so much available, and with the Yearly Membership you can access it all.
Since we started with SchoolhouseTeachers.com, I’ve written a kindergarten reading curriculum and it’s live on the site. When the Homeschool Review Crew asked me to write a review on this site, I eagerly accepted. This online option for homeschool provides so many courses and resources that I highly recommend it.

How Did We Use SchoolhouseTeachers.com?
When we first started our subscription, Jayme was in middle school. I had her use these online courses for her electives of choice, and also for science.
The first year, she explored many courses including:
I loved that the courses were all written by experts in the field. Of course, each teacher has a slightly different writing style, so you’ll notice that the courses are all slightly different in execution. Some included video instruction, while others were completely text based.
Regardless of format, each course provided what was needed for Jayme to read and understand the material. She was able to use the courses almost entirely independently, though I opted to stay fairly engaged in what she was learning.
The other kids were still fairly young at this point, so Jayme was the only one utilizing the program. I was teaching Jeff and Ellie to read using the methods in my course, but it wasn’t yet online at the time!
How We’re Currently Using This Product
Now that Jayme is in high school and my other kids are getting older, we’re able to explore even more resources provided by SchoolhouseTeachers.com.
I’ve had time to dive into the amazing collection of helpful aids for parents. There are practical and fun courses for parents and families to complete together, high school homeschooling helps, and a literacy center that’s extremely well done.
Jayme is taking the entrepreneur course that’s available for teens, and learning a lot about starting her own business. Since she wants to be a graphic designer after high school, it’s been a great addition to her homeschool schedule.
There is a Learning About Art course that the younger kids really enjoy. We don’t integrate art into our homeschool nearly often enough, so when we’re able to keep it simple I love it! I know that art and music theory are important to teach, and this course really helps.
A Beautiful New Site
When we first joined SchoolhouseTeachers.com, the site was a bit bulky and hard to use. But, with a brand new redesign, their site is now super user friendly. I can find exactly what I’m looking for easily, and discovered several items I didn’t know were even there!
I love being able to search for courses by grade level. In each grade level, the courses are further broken down by subject, so you can look for what you need. Here’s a sampling of available subjects for grade 9.
Planning Help
Another new benefit of SchoolhouseTeachers.com is the help with planning. When we first started, there wasn’t much guidance on how to move through the courses. On some, it was very self-explanatory, but we had a couple of questions on others.
But, the staff at SchoolhouseTeachers.com listened to concerns, and they’ve been adding lesson plans, scope and sequences, and other planning help for parents. While not all of their courses are equipped with these yet, it is something being actively worked on.
Of course, you don’t have to use these materials and can just pick and choose lessons and courses as you desire. Sometimes it’s fun just to start an elective and move through it at your own pace, or select lessons where you child needs additional practice.
My Thoughts on SchoolhouseTeachers.com
In case you couldn’t tell, I highly recommend SchoolhouseTeachers.com . For one low price, you have unlimited access to all the courses and resources for EVERYONE in your family.
As a large family mom, that is huge. I don’t want to pay per student, so I really appreciate that this is a family membership.
Another bonus is that it’s entirely online. There may be bits and pieces to print out, but I don’t have to worry about storing everything somewhere in the house.
If our Internet were better (we have limited data) and we had more computers, I would probably utilize this resource for even more of our courses. But, for now we don’t have the data bandwidth to online curriculum exclusively. However, there’s enough quality material on this site that you could use it for an all-in-one homeschool solution.
There are more than 300 courses, with more being added frequently! I’ll be adding another one to the collection later this year.
Have You Tried SchoolhouseTeachers.com?
I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments! And if you have an early learner, and want to teach reading through play, definitely check out my course!
If you’re interested in joining, don’t delay. The price is going up on January 15th. But, once you join, you’ll be locked in to your current pricing.

This post does contain affiliate links. If you purchase through one of my links, you’ll pay the same amount, but I’ll receive a small commission. Thanks in advance!