Of all the products we’ve reviewed over the past year, my kids have most enjoyed all the products from The Pencil Grip, Inc. Recently, we received a Thin Stix Creativity Pack to review.
Check out the size of this pack!

When it arrived, the kids were thrilled to check out all the color options. Though Simon was a little bummed I told him he couldn’t open the package for the first time. (He loves to rip cardboard open! :D)
Mess Free Painting
Since there’s no mess to worry about, I didn’t have to stop and remind the kids to pull out newspaper. They just ripped sheets of paper off our roll of butcher paper, and started painting.
What’s Included?
There’s a whopping 24 different paint sticks in this pack. Included are 12 classic colors, 6 neon colors, and 6 Metalix Stix.
Each one is solid tempera paint. They dry quickly, and keep the mess of painting contained.
How Do We Use These?
These paints have been used daily during the review period. My kids alternate “Art” during quiet time, and these have been top choice for everyone.
I love being able to let my kids paint when I’m not right there supervising. Only a couple of the older kids are ready to use traditional paint without supervision, so this mess-free variety lets the littles participate easily.
My kids used them to:
- Create random pictures
- Practice writing letters of the alphabet during Family Writing Time
- Make cards for people
- Turn a box into a rocket ship (the Metalix were perfect for this!)
- Create harvest decorations
Using this Product for School
Simon loves to do school with me in the kitchen while I cook breakfast each morning. In the picture above, he was using a Thin Stix to write the letters I called out. He gets so excited to use paint!
The thickness of these paint sticks is perfect for his little hands. He has a tough time gripping regular sized pencils, but these he can use easily.
We’ve been trying to incorporate more art into our homeschool, and watching YouTube videos on drawing. Brynna’s been working on drawing people with legs and arms.
What The Kids Think
I asked some of the kids what their favorite part of the Thin Stix Creativity Pack was. They said:
Jeffrey: All the different colors.
Ellie: The shiny ones! (Metalix)
Sydney: No mess to clean after painting.
Simon: Love my paint! 😀
I agree with them all. There’s a nice variety of colors, and no mess. The Metalix ones leave a nice shimmer when they dry, which is fun.
Honestly, I love all the paint sticks offered by The Pencil Grip, Inc. I’ve even bought several packs throughout the past year. They’re just easy to use, easy to clean up after, and enjoyable.
I’m thinking another big set like this one will make a great Christmas present for the kids to share!
You can read more about our use of Thin Stix in this review.

To see what other families thought of the Thin Stix Creativity Pack, please click the banner below.