Monday begins T week in the Tanner house. I’m really looking forward to this Bible story! We’ll be learning about the talking donkey from Numbers 22.
I love this story. It really shows God’s complete control over everything in our lives. He made the donkey talk. As in actually speak words that Balaam understood. That is amazing!
We have some neat donkey crafts planned. And we’ll be learning about God’s grace. He could have easily kept the donkey silent and had the angel kill Balaam. But we serve a gracious God. And I’m so thankful for that! The timing is perfect, since our January hymn was “Amazing Grace.” I love how it is all tying together!
In addition to learning about the Talking Donkey, we’ll be making a T Tractor. I know that activity will be Jeffrey approved. We have a book or two about tractors that will make an appearance in our homeschooling days.
Any other fun T activities you can think of?