They make the house stay clean. And keep mice away. And all that good stuff.
Adding an extra person can be a challenge, but thankfully Dad has been great about pitching in. He even cleans the bathroom for me once a week or so, which means I don’t have to. (The kids do daily chores in there, so a deep-clean once a week is plenty!)
If you’re having a parent move in, it’s important to look for ways that they can help and be useful.
These small chores give the parent a sense of usefulness. Depending on the circumstances that brought your parent to live with you, a sense of despair, or being no good to anyone can sink in. Mental outlook is so important, so be sure to talk with your parent, and ensure that s/he knows they are loved and valued.
Here are a few of the ways Dad has been a blessing to me with some chores:
-Laundry (sorting, washing, drying, folding)
-Cleaning the bathroom (love this!)
-Cleaning the microwave
-Wiping the counters
-Locking up chickens
-Feeding/watering barn cats
-Feeding/watering cows
-Firewood (bringing it to house, helping unload from truck)
-Washing the car
I love working together as a family. All 10 of us. A lot can get done in a short amount of time.
And not having to clean the bathroom? Score!
Thanks Dad, for all your help!
What chores can you add to this list?