We’re getting ready to wrap up our school year. Bryan’s grandparents are coming to town, and their arrival marks the end of our official school calendar.
But, learning never ends around here. So I’ve been making homeschool plans for the summer. Here’s what we’ll be working on, both as a family, and as individuals.
Family Studies
We’ll continue having our daily Bible times. We meet as a family in the morning and evening each day. We sing the hymn we’re memorizing, recite our annual memory passage and add a new verse if applicable (this year was Phil. 2.) Then we share a Bible story, or some verses that we’ve been thinking about lately. Of course, we end by counting our blessings.
Unit Studies
I’m joining forces with another homeschooling mom of seven to create homeschool unit studies. I’ll be testing these out on my kids over the summer.
A Trip?
We’re also tentatively planning a trip to the Portland Zoo. It’ll be a fun family learning trip. And the first out of town trip in our school bus!
I’m not a gardener. I tend to grow weeds and kill plants.
But, I want the kids to know how to garden. So we’re planting another garden. It’ll keep everyone busy this summer!
Jayme loves drawing on her computer. But, she prefers using Paint. That’s because she hasn’t experimented much with Photoshop. Bryan and I have been showing her how much more control she’ll have in Photoshop. So, she’ll have some scheduled time this summer with us to play with it.
She didn’t quite finish up her math course this year. I’m not worried, because kids in the public school never actually finish the books.
But, I don’t want her to forget anything either. So she and Bryan have a weekly math night. I’m so thankful for a husband who’s good at higher levels of math!
We’re really working on some sensory things with Owen. He has a sensory sack that he loves being in. I’ve noticed when I put him in there with his iPad, he’s able to better focus on the actual options on there and not get so overwhelmed.
So we’re going to try some basic matching games via the iPad this summer. We’ll see how it goes!
We’re also working on self-feeding some more. Because I’d love him to get better at that so I can stop feeding him.
Jeff needs to practice his reading and handwriting this summer. So, he and I will have reading dates with hot cocoa on the chilly mornings. On hot days, I think he’ll enjoy sitting on the porch swing and reading.
He’ll also be my list maker this summer. Since I actually have to be able to read what he writes, it’ll be good practice.
He still needs to finish up his phonics book as well, so he’ll do a couple of pages twice a week. It’ll help keep everything fresh in his mind!
Ellie will be finishing up her math and phonics book over the summer. She’ll do just a couple of pages once or twice a week. Just enough to keep her learning.
She’ll also be reading with me. She likes to read while I make dinner. I’m looking forward to it!
Sydney will be practicing writing her name and the letters to get her prepped for kindergarten next year. Well, technically she won’t be 5 until the end of November. So she’s still a full year away from officially being in kindergarten. But, that’s okay. She loves working on school!
She’ll also do some basic math practice through board games. My favorite way to learn!
Simon is going to learn about the potty. Because he really doesn’t like it much right now. And I don’t want another school year with him in diapers.
So he will be potty trained by fall.
Being able to pee outside in the summer helped Jeff learn at this age, so I’m hoping that tactic works with Simon as well. Yet another reason I love living where I do!
My sweet little girl. As the baby of the family, she’ll be getting lots of loving this summer. She also likes to dig in the dirt, so I’m sure she’ll do some of that!
Can’t forget myself–I love learning! Over the summer, I want to write another curriculum for young kids. This one will be Teaching Writing Through Play. It’ll compliment the course I have up over on Schoolhouse Teachers.
I also want to create some more play things for the kids with all of these tires we have in the junk pile. Might as well put them to use. As I get them finished, I’ll be sure to post tutorials and pics!