I really enjoyed reading The Secret Bridge from Lamplighter Publishing. I wanted to read this one to review myself, but struggled to figure out when I could make that happen.
You see, I used to read all the time. I had several books going at once, and always had books around the house I could pick up. But, then Owen developed Pica and started eating books. I lost so many and stopped leaving books out.
Then, I started my freelance business. It took up a lot of my time, and I never felt like I had time to read. Of course occasionally I’d crack open a book to read on a car trip, or read to the kids, but otherwise I pretty much stopped reading.
So when my copy of The Secret Bridge arrived, I just kind of stared at it for a couple of weeks. I knew I had to read it, but I couldn’t figure out WHEN I had time to read.
My Newly Discovered Reading Time
Until one day when I realized that I could read while putting Simon down for his nap at the beginning of quiet time. You see, he’d much rather play than sleep. So when left to his own devices, that’s what he does. But if I put him in my bed and stay next to him for twenty minutes or so, he falls asleep.
I had been using this time to do some social media marketing from my phone. But, Simon often got distracted by the phone and what I was doing. So one day, I looked over and saw my new book just sitting there, waiting to be read. So I went over and grabbed it and began.
After I’d finished two chapters, I looked over at Simon. He was fast asleep. I got up, and went on with the rest of my day.
The next day, I did it again. He fell asleep, I got some reading done. Win-win!
My Thoughts on The Secret Bridge
When I first pulled this book out of the envelope, I had to stop for a moment just to admire the cover. It was so soft and lovely, very high quality!
It took a couple of chapters for me to get into the story. The beginning was a tad slow. But, once I got in, I was hooked.
Looking back over the course of the book, The Secret Bridge is the perfect title. I can’t tell you why, because it’d spoil the ending, but just know that it really does fit!
Since I’ve been working with the kids on summarizing, here’s my summary of this book.
Book Summary
Bridget starts the book all alone. Her father has passed away, and when she arrived at her Uncle’s house in London, she learns that he has also died. She’s alone in a strange city, and doesn’t know how she’ll manage to care for herself.
Then Godfrey comes along. He was a sailor on board the ship she took to London, and she had caught his eye. After learning her situation and doing what he can to help, he proposes. Bridget accepts his marriage proposal, and they are wed shortly before he is to return to sea.
He takes her to a quaint village, and gets her settled. But, he has one request–she isn’t to tell anyone that they’re married until he gets back from sea in twelve months. He doesn’t think his family will understand, so he wants her to win them over herself before being introduced as his bride.
Bridget agrees, and begins making friends in the town. She learns of a family feud between her husband’s family and another family in town, and winds up in the middle of it.
Along the way, Bridget realizes her need for a personal relationship with Jesus, and is saved. As she grows in this relationship, she also grows as a person. She also learns more about her background, and how she fits into this strange family feud.
No Perfect Characters
I used to love Christian romantic fiction. Except, I started making comparisons between characters and my own life. I’ll just say it was not an uplifting experience.
So I was a bit on-guard as I read this book. But, my fears were unfounded. Th
e characters were flawed, just like everyone. There was no “perfect husband” or “perfect children” for me to start comparing. I really appreciate that the author made the characters human. Because we’re all just sinners, even if we’ve been saved by grace!
It was a book that I’ll have my kids read when they’re older. Jayme is going to read it over the summer. I felt that it really lived up to the aim of Lamplighter Publishing: to develop “Christlike character one story at a time.”
What Are You Reading?
Now that I’ve discovered I really do have time for reading, I’m enjoying cracking open some books. It takes me longer than it used to, but it’s so nice to read again!
I’d love to hear what you are reading. Do you struggle to find time to read? Please leave a comment telling me what book you’re working on.
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