Back in 2013, I was regularly milking a couple of Dexter milk cows, including one named Maggie. That cow was the inspiration behind the name of this blog. The kids always asked for a glass of "Maggie's Milk," and I felt like it sort of nicely summed up our life on the farm. … [Read more...]
When Cows Escape: 5 Tips for Bringing Them Home
"The cows are in the yard Mommy!" Ugh. The cows escape too often this time of year, as they adjust to eating hay and not wonderfully fresh green grass. They are supposed to be in our large holding pen, awaiting butchering later this month. They've escaped so often … [Read more...]
What My Bunnies Have Taught Me…So Far
We've had the bunnies here on the farm for a few weeks now. I've definitely learned some things during this time, and thought I'd pass my knowledge onto you.1. Bunnies are sweet!They are so cuddly, and we are working hard at getting these ones used to being … [Read more...]
The Whole Hog!
Warning...picture of a hanging pig to follow...nothing super bloody though, but if you are squeamish, please read a different post instead!Monday, the butcher arrived at the farm. When he left, our pigs had been processed from this...Into this...I learned a lot watching the … [Read more...]
The Importance of Carbon on a Homestead
Ah animals. They offer great entertainment, wonderful food products and many other benefits. They also...poop. A lot! And while that poop can be a fabulous addition to the soil, it can quickly turn a farm into a stinky place if not properly taken care … [Read more...]