Do you remember way back when I bought rabbits a year and a half ago? I figured I’d get them on a solid breeding schedule, and be adding a litter a month to the freezer. Things didn't exactly work out like I've planned--which is why I haven't talked much about my rabbits here … [Read more...]
Baby Bunnies!
My goal to raise meat rabbits has been a long time coming. Oh--we bought the bunnies. Five of them have been on the farm since last fall. But, you know that saying, "breed like rabbits..." Yeah--we had trouble turning that into reality. We had one litter over the winter, but … [Read more...]
What My Bunnies Have Taught Me…So Far
We've had the bunnies here on the farm for a few weeks now. I've definitely learned some things during this time, and thought I'd pass my knowledge onto you.1. Bunnies are sweet!They are so cuddly, and we are working hard at getting these ones used to being … [Read more...]
My Bunnies Are Here!
Well, one of our farm goals was accomplished sooner rather than later. We picked up five rabbits tonight, and brought them home. There are four pedigreed American Chincillas (three does and a buck) and a Rex/Dwarf cross buck.I need to clean the hutches that came with them … [Read more...]