It's been a while since we were in the ER. Tonight was the night to head back. Owen has something stuck in his throat. A foreign body. We headed into the small town hospital about nine. He was just not himself, and his breathing kept sounding funny. So after listening and … [Read more...]
A Neurological Update
Yesterday was the day. (And I don't mean St. Patrick's Day--though it was that day too!)Nope, it was the day we went back to the neurologist to follow up on The EEG Owen had in January. It was a pretty good appointment.Owen's seizures are complicated. They vary between … [Read more...]
Owen and the Slide
One of the perks of spring is being able to visit the parks again. Stopping to run around for a few minutes between stores on a long shopping day can make all the difference in mental stability (for both the kids and me!) Usually at parks, Owen sticks to the ground and … [Read more...]
Non-Medicated Seizure Control
I got the phone call today from the neurologist's office. Owen's EEG, while improved from his last one (in 2012 when he was in non-convulsive status), still showed quite a bit of seizure activity. Of course his neurologist is out of the office for the next couple of weeks, and … [Read more...]
Preparing for a Sleep Deprived EEG
Owen is supposed to check in tomorrow morning bright and early for his EEG. We are definitely anticipating this test and are hoping the results will help us to better treat his seizures. Until then, we have to survive the next 12 hours! For this test, Owen is only supposed to … [Read more...]